
Analyze your video performance smarter with the native Wave.video + Wistia integration

Make engaging marketing videos with Wave.video and upload them to your Wistia account. Measure the results and collect leads right from your projects.

Measure the results of your next video marketing campaign

  • demo_11sec_cafe

    Create a Video of Any Aspect Ratio

    With Wave.video, you can make a video of any format: landscape, square, portrait, or even Facebook cover. The cool part is that Wistia supports all of them!

  • wistia_integration (new)

    Upload Directly to Wistia

    With the native Wave.video+Wistia integration, you can upload a video you make in Wave.video directly to Wistia. Simply connect the two accounts, choose a folder to upload your video to and add a title/description if necessary.

  • Analyze and Measure Results

    Analyze and Measure Results

    With Wistia’s powerful video marketing analytics, you can see exactly who viewed your video, where they came from and how long they stayed watching.

  • Don’t Have a Wistia Account Yet?

    Don’t Have a Wistia Account Yet?

    Get a free Wistia account at wistia.com and start measuring how your projects are performing. It’s easy, very affordable and super powerful. Like, can it get any better? ;)

Up your video marketing with Wave.video and Wistia integration
Start Measuring Your Video Marketing Like a Pro

Get the Wave.video + Wistia integration now

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